My name is Elle and this blog is focused around Effective Meetings. Effective Meetings are made up of many different components. This blog will explore the different components involved in creating an effective meeting environment.
Well managed group discussions allow members to have input and feel part of a decision made. The key to productive meetings is by involving people.
There are different techniques that can be used which will help to assist in a productive group discussion.
This technique can be used when dealing with large groups in meetings. Sometimes with large groups it is very hard for everyone to have their say and time get away when everyone is trying to get their point of view across. If the Chairperson uses a phrase like the one below then everyone feels like they have had a chance to be heard.
“You have been listening for the last half hour and I appreciate your patience, before we move on lets find out what’s on your minds, let’s have comments from anyone who want to but limit it to one sentence”.
After a group discussion ask for a quick show of hands to determine group support for proposed ideas.
3.Buz groups
This can be used with any group but is fantastic for large groups. You get the group to break into sub-groups which allows a greater way to generate ideas and enables everyone to participate. Sometimes when dealing with groups you have many different types of personalities and this allows those who don’t like to speak up or who get drowned out by large voices to have their say and feel comfortable about it.
This is a great way for generating many spontaneous and diverse ideas in a short period of time.
In all meetings there are always different types of personalities and it is important that techniques for conflict resolution understood and implemented when needs.
Below is some great powerpoint presentation videos that really explore conflict resolution and effective team work.
Have you ever experienced any of the above techniques being used to stimulate group discussion and did they work effectively?
Have you come across a meeting where their have been different personalities that have clashed and conflict resolution techniques have been put in place?
Decision making occurs at every meeting and it is important to understand the steps in effective group decision making.
1.Define the Problem
In many cases there is more than one problem to solve so issues must be clearly defined and separated with each issue being addressed one at a time.
2.Ask for Alternatives
All suggestions should be accepted without any criticism from the group. All participants should feel a part of the group and that they will be listened too.
3.As a group explore the pros/cons
Explore what the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative.
4.Choose the Alternative
Based on what you have learnt as a group through the discussion process a decision needs to be made. It is vital for success in the solution that every member has input in the decision.
5.Evaluate the outcome
This step is to be completed once the action has been implemented.
A variety of strategies can be employed to give team members input into planning and decision making. If team members feel that they have not contributed to the planning process it will be hard for them to take ownership of the operational strategies that will follow.
Below is a video that looks at 8 steps to making your meeting more effective
In your experience with meetings have you ever followed these steps or similar when addressing issues? Did it work effectively and if not do you think implementing a process like this would be effective?
An Agenda is a step-by-step outline of the points to be covered at a meeting. It is advisable that everyone attending a meeting should receive a tentative agenda in advance for the following reasons:
·Ensuring that important business is not overlooked
·A reminder to all those planning to attend the meeting
·Allows attendees to prepare for discussion topics
·Creates a sense of focus for the meeting group and gives attendees time to think about how they will contribute to the meeting.
Important things to keep in mind when developing an Agenda:
·The early part of any meeting is the time when discussion is more lively and creative. So in saying this try to place items requiring mental energy, bright ideas and clear heads early on the Agenda.
·The order of Agenda items can influence the atmosphere of the meeting so take time to think about this well before bringing the Agenda together.
·Always have a time limit on an Agenda as this focused discussion and encourages decision making.
·Depending on the type of meeting and group who is to say that you defiantly need a defined Agenda prior to the meeting. Why not have a white board and at the start of a meeting the group decides on the Agenda for the meeting in the first 10mins. This can allow everyone to have input and discussion to be more productive.
·No matter which way you go in the layout and structure of an Agenda it is important that your meeting has some sort of structure and focus otherwise it will be just another one of those boring meetings where everyone walks away feeling like nothing was accomplished.
Below is videos on The Agenda that hopefully gives you a few other ideas.
Please post your comments in regards to your experiences with meetings and Agenda’s. Did you get an Agenda prior to the meeting? Did the meeting flow? Do you have a certain way that you think an Agenda should be developed?
These videos explore a Chairperson condcuting a meeting using good practice and one conducting bad practice. Spot the difference and post a comment below on the good Vs bad.
The Chairperson plays a key role in any meeting. The ideal Chairperson is both a good leader and has the qualities and skills to perform the job. Different situations demand different styles of chairmanship but their are certain skills and qualities that all should demonstrate.
Usually in most cases a chairperson is often chosen without much thought to the qualities and skills of a good chair. So what are these attributes, and how can an effective Chairperson deliver best practice?
You will notice as this blog develops I will post lots of videos and content that I beleive has some fantastic and informative content as well as posting some that really help to identify the importance of the different components required to manage an effective meeting.